The Skeptical Trio

 - Georges

Hi, I’m George a student in sociology of the false. What I mean by that is the theme of my study is how can people believe all the lie there expose of and ask no question about it. Overconfidence like we rarely see in thing that seems so absurd and a lack of confidence so important in mainstream area. That’s why I wanted to create this blog because if more and more people warn other about all the mind trap and the cognitive bias that exist maybe that less and less parent will refuse to vaccinated their kid and believe that Obama have been abducted by an American agency to mars when he was 19, or that God will protect us from diseases.  

- Xavier
My name is Xavier. I’m a science student. A couple years ago, my best friend makes me discover an incredible world made of rhetoric, mind traps, scientific rigor and philosophy. I was involved in a war which last from centuries and which concern very each human being in Earth, even those who ignore it. It’s a fight between knowledge and ignorance, between Truth and belief. As Daniel J. Boorstin said, “The greatest enemy of knowledge is not ignorance, it is the illusion of knowledge.” I am a Truth and rationality lover. I am also a dreamer. And it makes me become a fighter. I want to spread knowledge, and give to those who I know weapons to build a free and well thinking world. Like death is the norm in the universe, ignorance is the norm in Nature. Knowledge is a privilege of our era and our society. It requires scholars to pass it over generations and generations. Science is a collective heroism. And this blog is my modest contribution.

- Erwan
My name is Erwan Meunier and I was Born in Melun near of Paris. I lived there from 2001 to 2019, my moving year.  First of all, I am a freshman in Mathematics and Computer Science at Université de Nantes. Indeed, I wish to become Computer Scientist, in order to try to participate in the building of the knowledge. My main hobbies are related to Science (in the wide meaning) and its erection. The subjects wich lead my curiosity days after days are the zetetique, epistemology, sociology and philosophy. In my opinion, Homo Sapiens is the best animal who is able to build the knowledge and also the best one to do it wrong. Consequently, I am convinced that our bias and the methods involved are very interesting things to be studied. However, I am not exempted of beliefs. Therefore, throughout my posts I want to show you that each one of us, and me the first, have strong and unknown beliefs and topics.
