How not to look away from the true and holy knowledge - Bad skepticism - 1/3

For this series of post I’ll talk about the macroscopic area of the doubt and the skepticism in the bad way. Where people refuse to question themselves about what they think are true  or by accepting everything without questioning the information. I’ll speak about the doubt himself, the bad way of been septic some example and the influence of the bad doubt.

Definition :
Skeptical : Inclined to have doubt or doubts.
Dogmatism : Dogmatic putting forward of opinions, without listening to the opinions of others.  Relativism : Any theory holding that criteria of judgment are relative, varying with individuals and their environments.

First of all what is the doubt ?
Doubt by definition is to be uncertain about. The doubt is quite incredible, with it human kind have achieve so many thing. In philosophy, law or sciences the doubt have made possible progress. Without it the concept itself of philosophy, justice or sciences would be absurd, there would be only guilty people, all of the philosophy could be in one book and we will still be at the age of stone. Doubt define us as human and define our understanding of realty and life by giving us the ability to wonder and to think “maybe that’s not right”.
In short doubting is a major part of the concept of thinking and  doubting is good. Like we said it made us progress but sometime there is too much doubt. I’ll now talk about the way of using the doubt, more specifically the bad way of using doubt. The good will be explain in an other series. Skepticism is the attitude of doubting, so like we said skepticism is an attitude that can make us progress especially when it come to sciences or philosophy, where skepticism is necessary. But been skeptical is not easy because our brain do not work perfectly and prejudge or bias can make us see the reality as what we want it to be and as it is.
When we acquire new information and we’re ready to accept new idea we’re open minded but then we must not fall in dogmatism where we reject all new idea or relativism were we accept them all and both are as wrong as one another because their aren't good method to acquire information as truth as possible.
We for the most analyses information before accepting it as true. Usually without noticing it like a natural filter and we filter 98-99% of the information generally, but sometime there is a subject that have a vip pass and pass by this filter. And it can be anything, religion, politic, astronomy, homeopathy. And it is what I mean by bad skepticism and it affect us all as some degree.
And I’ll talk now about  the dark side of the skepticism. When dogmatism and relativism are mixed, here come conspiracies. We never go to the Moon, the Illuminati are a real thing and homeopathy work. Refusing whatever the information are if it contradicts what the person know and accept without questioning the information if it make sense for the person. It is really viscous for example if we take two neighbor and one of them think the other is a member of a conspiracy and ask him. If he is answer yes them it’s true there a proof but if he is say no them that’s also a proof because they must not say there a part of it, that’s a basic rule in conspiracies. Them all of the information whenever it’s contradictory or coherent will make the person believe more and more without been able to question it. This can completely break someone when people, who know all of I say and more, manipulate other for there personal benefit or because they really believe
it. Them they are trap in a way of thinking that aren’t a good one if they really want what is the closet to truth.
Now I’d like to take an example, a concrete one to explain the dangerousness of some belief (I use the word belief because for me it is not better than a religious belief) that are bad for society like the flat Earth movement that are awful for progress and that are nothing but lie. Or sometime for the health of people, the anti-vaccine movement is a prefect example for that so perfect it will be my next post. And explain why some of the major argument are wrong.

Doute, (2020, avril 8). Wikipédia, l'encyclopédie libre. Consultation date 04.08.2020 from
