Cognitive biases: How our brain make himself guilty of our believes - Evolutionary and contemporary BENEFITS - 2/3

To begin this post, let me do a very personal comparison: if biases were animals they probably be dogs. In fact it exists hundreds of them, each different, with their own characteristics. Some are kind and others wilder. They are always turning around us even when we don’t pay attention to them. And most of all, they can be very useful friends.

To be honest with you, today I wanted to show you the best of cognitive biases. Last time, I explained you that they are misleading thinking patterns which affect our decision making everyday. A major psychology principle say that whatever origins of such comportment, it’s based on a useful psychological mechanism. As we’ll see it, biases help us to stay agree with ourselves, to keep a fundamental coherence, almost existential.

Indeed each individual needs a state of balance. It means that as a person I subconsciously wish that my thoughts agree with my values, my believes, my feelings and my actions. All that are called cognitions. When two of them are in conflict we feel very bad because it requires to question ourselves: it’s a cognitive dissonance. Biases prefer changing our perception of the world to overcome the problem than rebuild brain inner logic; it use less energy. The discomfort provoked is a normal phenomenon, it’s even benefit. So there is no need to blame yourself. Our brain isn’t a quantum computer, it’s only an organ which evolved slowly during millions of years with principal function to optimize our survival, not to understand the universe. For example, when you see a crowd running you have two options: you can run with others without thinking, or you can express your freedom and stay. If there is no danger, the best you can expect is self proud. But if danger is real, and you decided to stay, you could die. Because of its speed, sometimes acting like sheep can be the safest thing to do.

In fact, taking rational decision is a three-steps situation, an eternity in emergency cases. First, you have needs or intentions. Second, you compare possible choices and their consequences. And third you act. Long time ago, cognitive biases served to face dangerous situations and adapt ourselves quickly. In a book called “thinking, fast and slow”, Daniel Kahneman theorized this double nature of our reflection. In daily life we use a first system, automatic and uncontrollable, using ideas, memories and feelings associations. It results a coherent vision of reality but with enormous potential of errors. The second one is rational and rigorous, but need more time to be effective. If it consider the first system, it answer to a mental effort. So cognitive biases solve 4 problems:

- we are exposed at too many information
- we have a limited memory
- time is going out
- world lacks meaning

It’s because we have a huge need of coherence that we are able to build reasoning, that we acceded to logic. And conversely, logic and coherence gave us big evolutionists advantages. To resume, without need of coherence, no methodical thinking. But looking for coherence everywhere, we often lacks of methodical thinking.

Furthermore, in sectors like cognitive sciences, marketing, advertising or design, the knowledge of cognitive biases is necessary to understand and anticipate individuals behaviors. Humans and cognitive sciences contribute to improve ergonomic in innovative products, services, applications or web sites.

In fact it allows us understanding human psychology, personalizing services, developing empathy...  In addition, during users tests many answers are non-conscientious, altered by the context and the user’s culture. For companies, cultural biases and ethnocentrism are very important in a marketing campaign. Knowledge is power, and “great power involves great responsibility”. So by understanding our natural cognitive biases we can use them as we want. In behavioral science nudges use it for the benefit of everybody. Nevertheless the boundary with manipulation isn’t far at all. Next time we’ll deal with the dangers they represent for our liberty.


Sources :

1- Blog design et biais par Usabilis from

2- Vidéo c’est quoi un biais cognitif par 1, 2, 3 pensez ! from

3- Vidéo how our brain makes decision par minutevidéo from

4- vidéo la dissonance cognitive de Léon Festinger par Thibault Gouttier from

5- vidéo conférence biais cognitif et design, Noémie Lecorps par Web2day from

6- vidéo la dissonance cognitive par la tronche en biais from

7- article comment notre cerveau nous manipule-t-il par Sciences et Avenir from


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. Our brain are like a lot of dog this comparison is wrong on so many level, like my brain is not compose of many dog. You must be completely mad for thinking this. And the rest is so much not understandable, I’m sure you don’t know the meaning of the half what you write. I hate you and you don’t deserve to live with a brain like yours. Goerge

  3. Dear gentleman, thank you for your lovely comment. As responsible persons let me give you an advice: whatever the situation, when we don’t understand what we are talking about, it’s better for everyone to stay calm and quiet. Therefore I invite you to go to the links down the article and come back with constructive questions. Have a nice day and think about it.


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