How not to look away from the true and holy knowledge - Anti-vaccine - 2/3

The Anti-vaccine or antivax movement is belief which say that vaccine are dangerous because it cause different disease like multiple sclerosis or psychological disorder like autism or because it weakened the immune system or that vaccine are completely useless. And it’s not an exaggeration to say that the antivax movement is one of the most dangerous for the public health. Because if less ans less person vaccine themselves or their children the immunization coverage is increasingly weak. And weaker it is higher the chance to be infected by a dangerous diseases, like whooping cough, tetanus or diphtheria. I think this subject is crucial because if the antivax movement is born it’s because people trust institution and sciences less and less And it’s just sad to see people risking their life and the life of other as their child or people to weak to be vaccinated, because they are scared of been manipulated and absolutely don’t know how to make serious and right recherche because cognitive bias altered their judgment. Even if in the present know how to make right recherche is so important because of all the false information spread by people knowing what they are doing or not. And them conspiracies develop more and more with more and more people who join movement. Convince by argument sometime completely wrong, fallacious, false or sometime that are just lie.  And that’s why I think analyses some of them can be nothing but good to see what kind of argument are use and there seriousness.

 The first one the one we hear the most vaccine causes autism. An argument bases on the theory of a study publish in 1998 by the physician Andrew Wakefield, which say because of  the vaccine adjutant compose of aluminum and mercury the patient after an injection can become autistic. But other independent scientist were unable to reproduce the result of the experimentation of Doctor Wakefield. Which by the way make his study in an awkward situation, to finally found to have rigged his study. In the end Doctor Wakefield was discredited as a physician and now live of his anti-vaccine book and conference. Damn that argument is a great one to use in discussion don’t you think ?

A second argument well know by everyone is that vaccine have always been useless since their creation, an argument generally supported by the affirmation that epidemic have been stop by the increasing hygiene. But of course when we take for example the number of Diphtheria case in USA, when the vaccine give to the general public in 1923 the number of case have almost consistently decrease to almost 0 in the sixties. Same thing for the polio in 1956 and 1962 vaccine for polio in england were distribute and in 1965 almost 0 case were detected, by the way polio have almost been eradicate the is only few place were polio is still present.

Example like this are legion giving us a good proof that vaccine work and that have nothing to do with the increasing hygiene because all of those disease would have decrease at same time well it is a factor yes but not as major as vaccine. And that’s my point people continue to say that vaccine causes autism even if it the case of Doctor Wakefield have been close for 20 year or that vaccine are useless even if we know it work for so long with solid proof.

I had a discussion once with an aunt who was scare of vaccine because she didn’t like her baby to have injection of a medicine she know nothing about, them by reading a lot about the danger of vaccine without checking information, in fact with no idea of how information research work which lead her to false conclusion. I was lucky she was nice and good willing so I just explain her what was wrong and true, quoting my source of course and them she realize that her belief was based on nothing and eventually star to trust doctor again. That’s all the problem with people that strongly agree with those theory but this will be develop in the third post.


Sources : 

Wikipedia contributors. (2020, April 9). Andrew Wakefield. In Wikipedia, The Free Encyclopedia. April 9, 2020, from

Graph source :


  1. I use pressed banana leaves to heal myself and replenish my energies. I don't need your filthy pro-vaccine article to tell me what to do!


    1. This comment has been removed by the author.

    2. Them I hope you that you have no child and that you go out that much because your action define you as a danger for society. Goerge


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