Doubting is a good thing. Doubting with method is a better thing - Belief Hunter - 3/3
Good afternoon everybody! Today, we are going to deal with Zététique and its practical applications to “daily life”. Zététique is seen by the biophysicist Henri Broch (1905 -) as “Art of doubt”. The latter, is equivalent to scientific skepticism (cf. first post 1) which includes scientific method (cf. Second post). The goal of Zététique is distinction between knowledge and beliefs, that is to say distinction between science and pseudo-science . The main mean to distinguish science and pseudo-science is falsifiability criterion (cf. Post 2). In fact, a scientific theory can be tested while a pseudo-scientific theory can not . Falsifiability criterion applied to... : ...Homeopathy: Homeopathy is based on three major features provided by Samuel Hahnemann (1755-1843): 1- Similia similibus curentur or Principle of similitude : For example, If you have malaria the usual symptoms are; fever, shivering and joint pain. Moreover, eat sufficient quantity of bark and you will exper